Ten Savory Appalachian Foods One Must Try

Ten Savory Appalachian Foods One Must Try

Appalachia never disappoints tourists with its novel food brimming with quality taste and hygiene. Appalachian food is definitely a treat. The region’s eccentric connection with delicacies produces flavorful dishes and is home to amazing restaurants with talented chefs.

Comprising of twelve Midwestern and Eastern states: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, Maryland, and New York, Appalachia’s colossal size promotes diversity in culture, traditions, history, and flavorsome cuisine. It has a robust history of preserving foods when it comes to canning, curing, smoking, and salting.

Ten of Appalachia’s Best

  1. Pepperoni Rolls – found in West Virginia, this regional favorite is rarely found outside of the State’s border. A soft roll of freshly-baked bread is chock-full of sliced pepperoni and mozzarella cheese oozing with a secret tomato sauce.
  2. Cornbread with bean soup – Living in Appalachia, you haven’t had their famous cornbread with bean soup? That is not possible. This soup is made with pinto beans, ham, salt, and pepper, simmering on stovetops all winter long in Appalachia. The mountain’s favorite is served with diced onion, cornbread, and sometimes potato wedges that keep you all cozy during the chilly weather.
  3. Fresh Maple Syrup – not only in pancakes, but maple syrup is also considered to be essential for every meal, including poultry and pork in Appalachia. Huge numbers of maple trees make syrup production easily accessible. Whether it’s a shot of Jack Daniels or a dark chocolate cookie, maple syrup gives an eccentric and sweetish flavor.
  4. Venison – a tender venison loin served with braised huckleberry, bacon, savoy cabbage, and juniper salt, is a perfect protein-based meal. Full-flavored meat with fruits and berries gives you all the nutrients you need.
  5. Morels – the elusive morel mushroom adds an umami flavor to various dishes. Sauteed with butter and a pinch of pepper and salt, the springtime-favorite sauce is served with meat or poultry dishes. Besides this, it is also mixed in silky soup and pasta, providing the devourer with luscious flavors.
  6. Mouthwatering Virginia Hot dogs – the best combination and mixture of chili, slaw, mustard, and onion with steamed, grilled buns is a fulfilling meal that will satisfy all your cravings.
  7. Apple stack cake – the mountainous dessert is filled with fresh organic resources. The sorghum-sweetened cake is filled with layers of dried apples. As this dish doesn’t rely on fresh apples, it can easily be made in any season. The multiple layers of stacked dried apples are stored for two days in the cake, making it moist and a tasty treat.
  8. Pawpaw – Pawpaw is a famous Appalachian tropical fruit that tastes like bananas and mango. Added to several dishes, this fruit brings out the pleasurable satisfaction in every individual. From pawpaw beer and ice cream to pawpaw butter, this greenish-brown color delicacy is three to six inches long with thick black seeds.
  9. Buckwheat cake – buckwheat pancakes are made with buckwheat flour which tastes a little sour and yeasty. Served with bacon and sausages, the patties are sprinkled with maple syrup. Buckwheat is a hearty crop mostly found in mountainous areas during the late spring.
  10. Crawfish and okra fritters – the freshwater crawfish and crustaceans are homegrown in several Appalachian states like Kentucky and Tennessee. At the same time, okra is grown throughout the South. Made up of all-purpose and corn flour, the crawfish tails and okra are fried until golden brown.

High-Calorie snacks that aid in hiking the Appalachian Trail

Hiking on the hilly terrain of Appalachia is what most tourists love to do, which isn’t easy, as it requires lots of energy and vitality. The excessive calories burnt need to be replenished. And what can be a better energy source than nutritious snacks and food?

While hiking, everyone requires snacks that are light-weighted, easy to carry, nutritious, and high-calorie in terms of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. These foods include nuts, dried fruits, granola energy bars, energy gels or chews, beef jerky, hammer Perpetuum, peanuts, raisins, and multivitamins. These are readily portable and include all the nutrition a human body requires.

Bottom Line!

Appalachian cuisine consists of diverse nourishments rooted and created from hearty ingredients. The climate and a humongous 205,000 square-mile area limit the growth of the ingredients, and preservation is essential in order to survive through winters. Cured meats, pickled vegetables, corn, and dried fruits are the hallmarks of Southern mountains. Not only do they stand up in rough and tough weather, but they taste delectable too. Visiting Southern Appalachians to enjoy the food and the breathtaking views is a must. Appalachian Sky vacation rentals can provide you with the best hotel houses with amazing scenery and economical pricing.